To Swag, or Not to Swag (Is that Really a Question?)
When Should We Give Out Our Company Swag?

October 25, 2016

To Swag, or Not to Swag (Is that Really a Question?)<br> When Should We Give Out Our Company Swag?


Have you ever bought company swag just to share with employees or customers to show how much you appreciate them? Or to build anticipation for an upcoming product or service rollout? At first glance, this may seem like an unnecessary expense, but if you put your brand on quality items that your employees and customers integrate into their daily activities, they will be bringing your brand with them – and showing their affection and affiliation at the same time. People love to get presents. It is a natural fact – and if you give swag that they love that carries your brand, it gives your brand legs.

As an employee, it is always cool when your organization giving you company swag. Items such as clothing, drinkware and useful desk or travel items are popular because they are useful and create a feeling of oneness with the brand. But when should you give it?

On-Boarding: New hires are really excited about their new job. A great way to help welcome them to the team is with a small selection of company swag. Branded notebooks, custom USB sticks, writing utensils, t-shirts and mugs are popular welcome gifts. These items may represent a small expenditure for the company, but they can help to make your new team members feel right at home quicker!

Company Events, Product Launches & Trainings: Event specific company swag gives employees a feeling of exclusivity and belonging to the team. Consider giving backpacks, caps, fleece jackets or something more uncommon like branded chocolates or wine.

Employee Milestones or Team Achievements: Recognition of milestones and employees’ hard work is the mark of a great employer. Show your appreciation as they reach milestones with the organization or recognition for big contributions with thoughtful customized gifts such as an embossed notebook, a pen and pencil set or a nice weekender bag – these are just a few options of many.

Holidays & Birthdays: These are ideal times to recognize your employees with small but carefully selected items from the company swag collection – consider wearable or drinkware items that will serve them throughout the year!

Getting an unexpected gift can make a big impression with your hard-won customers – and build good will & affection at the same time. It might even give you the leg up in a competitive situation – because you already have given the customer the perception that you will go above and beyond. A package of company swag can build a kind of intangible loyalty. When someone is drinking out of a mug with your company logo on it for their morning commute, they feel affiliated with you – and that can be beneficial down the line.
An added bonus - in the age of social media, sending out one gift can have ripples to thousands of potential customers as your happy recipient shares their joy.


Obvious times when companies distribute company swag are during tradeshows and events. But when else might be a good time to reach out to customers with your goodies?

Product Launch/Expansion/Grand Opening: If you have something to announce – make the announcement in 3-D. Give them something to touch – rather than just sending an email or post card that will get lost in the clutter – send something tangible like a pad of post-its or a tote bag or something even more creative (but useful!) announcing your launch.

Christmas and New Years are traditional times to send out holiday cheer to customers, but sometimes thinking outside the box can be a winning strategy too – expressing your love for your customers at Valentines or your gratitude for their business at Thanksgiving might be even better – or send gifts out at your company’s anniversary, or the anniversary of when they became a customer – being different will set you apart in more ways than one. Your company swag will have more impact and your gift will have more meaning.

by Lisa Diesel

For help choosing the best company swag for any occasion, contact the professionals at Email to schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation with an MD* Marketing Doctor.